Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Night of 5.2.19: Interdimensional swords and a bodyguard mission

I had been given a short sword with runes carved into the blade. I had in my head that it was a magic weapon that was able to strike –and strike from—different dimensions. I was unable, however to see into those dimensions so I wasn’t sure how it worked. I saw a group of people who couldn’t see me and, from a distance, swung at one of them. Their head immediately disappeared, and they dropped to the floor. There was no blood. I had no idea what just happened, but I was confident I had done it.
As I became more practiced with this sword I could begin to see into parallel dimension it struck from. It seemed it brought anything it cut off into that dimension.

 I was walking in this separate dimension when I bumped into a friend from real life. We haven’t met up or even spoken for a long time, so I was excited to see them in my dream, we exchanged a few words however they were fairly curt and weren’t interested in talking to me. Perhaps they had their own things to be doing. We parted ways soon after.

In a new location, but still in the same universe as I had my magic sword, I had been tasked with protecting a child from a series of killers, potentially attacking from this other dimension. I first had to collect her and this saw me pretending to work in a restaurant. The restaurant was part of a big complex spread out in multiple buildings and I was given a tour by a worker of similar age to me. Once they’d pointed me to the restaurant they departed. I looked around the site to see if I could spot any assailants, but it looked secure. I headed in to the very dark, very large restaurant.

Once I stepped through the door I had to walk down a flight of stairs and the restaurant supervisor was waiting for me at the bottom.
“Went to help somewhere else did you?” he asked, and I remembered there was a juice bar across the way from this building, I didn’t want to come off as suspicious and I could still play to my unfamiliarity with the place so I nodded quietly, still unable to see properly in this dark place.
“That’s alright” the man said, looking across the floor. “If you report to that person there”, he pointed to one of the waiting staff “they’ll show you what to do”.
Fortunately the person was nearby and I could more or less see them in the dark. “Alright” I started, “but I’m just going to let my eyes adjust first”. I was able to see perfectly well at this point, I was giving excuses to scan the crowd and check for assailants. The supervisor went off somewhere and I started walking the floor.

I walked straight to the furthest part of the hotel which tucked in behind a corner. There were 5 burly men with long, wild hair dressed in animal skins and thick cloaks hunched round three long tables that they had brought together. Among them was the young girl I was meant to protect. I figured these men were her bodyguards. I produced a notepad and asked if they wanted anything, they shrugged me off, after all I’d done nothing to distinguish myself from the other waiting staff so to make a statement I drew one their swords from its sheath and struck down into the table. I was more a sharpened hunk of metal than a sword, it broadened out towards the end, up to about 2ft and had a double spike at the end, similar to those used by the Uruk-hai berserkers in the Lord of the Rings films. They immediately knew who I was and filled me in on the mission so far. The girl got up from the table and came with me. I assured her that she would be safe and that I could even see enemies attacking from another dimension. I also told her I had a faithful lizard companion and a small green tree gecko crawled out of my chest pocket and moved onto my chest. The girl was thrilled by the lizard, “It comes with me when I go into other dimensions too!” I told her.

It was a new scene, the girl and I were standing in a small quadrangle with a dirt floor surrounded on all sides by single-floor wooden buildings. The sky was red-yellow, like a sunset. I had my magic sword in one hand and was scanning the roofs of the buildings to see if the attackers were approaching. My lizard climbed out of my chest pocket again and I understood this to mean I should check in the other dimension. I don’t remember what happened after this.