Sunday, June 28, 2020

Friends in Celestial Places 26-27.6.20

I was visited by a group of beings that took me to lots of different places to make new friends as I have recently moved from Plymouth to Bath. The group never told me who they were, but they weren’t human. That said though they weren’t frightening, nor did they make me feel uncomfortable. The situations and people they took me to became increasingly unusual and in a few cases extra-terrestrial…

On the first trip the group whisked me away and dropped me off in a room with someone I hadn’t met before. I don’t remember what they looked like, but they were video chatting with one of their friends using their TV screen. I introduced myself to the new faces as a marine biologist and the friend on the TV said that they too studied marine biology, after a while the TV person said they also played guitar and we encouraged them to play something. I picked up the chord sequence quite easily and fetched my cello which was magically on hand. I played along, knowing full well that the latency probably made it sound horrible on their end.

The group then took me to a different planet comprised mostly of water. It was dark when we arrived, and I found myself near a small river with a little waterfall and plunge pool a bit further upstream. Once my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I noticed that there were floating specks of faint light in the water and I got closer to have a look. I got to the riverbank and saw three pillars of starlit water arise slowly from the river surface. Whether the pillars and I spoke out loud or through telepathy I don't know, but I determined that the lights were sentient, bioluminescent phytoplankton, and that they were who I was communicating with. 

The phytoplankton told me that whilst each plankter had its own sentience they were able to join together to form a collective conscience through processes similar to quorum sensing. They told me that the colour they were glowing was influenced by their environment; their current blue colour meant that conditions were stable and favourable. The lights in the dark water then changed to red and they told me red means conditions are getting worse or that the phytoplankton are busy doing something.

Then the plankton glowed green.

Though it was dark I noticed the flow of the river sharply quickened when they glowed green, as if the planet was responding to them. Many many more phytoplankton stirred in the water until the river was teeming with green light. They told me that their green glow released a chemical into the water which alerted all the "sleeping" phytoplankton that they were needed to respond to a threat, and thus the green light was their defence mechanism. The “green” bioluminescence also connected every phytoplankter to the collective consciousness so they could communicate their situation across great distances very quickly. 

The group then took me to another planet where many rock platforms were floating freely in outer space. These platforms moved around and to each other to create walkways for the inhabitants when they wanted to go somewhere. As soon as I set foot on the planet many platforms joined onto mine and a number of inhabitants came out of their houses to greet me. They thought I was the postman. After a while of me explaining that I didn’t have any post for them—and that I was brought here to make new friends—I felt a presence behind me and turned around to see who or what it was. I was met by a humanoid being that seemed very muscular and broad in shoulder, it was wearing a two-piece suit and whilst its body was corporeal, its face was a holographic projection of orange light. I don’t remember any interactions with it, but it was also pleased to see me.

The final place this group took me the sky where a passenger plane was physically breaking apart in midair as we arrived. We rescued everyone from the plane and the group suggested telepathically that I used the opportunity to ask all of the people to be my new friends. I began to wonder if the group had engineered the plane to break apart to create that scenario for me and suddenly felt quite predatory.

That’s all I can remember from that one!

Night of the 27.6.20

A friend of mine in the waking world who plays cello and I were standing in a spacious, open chamber with many large windows that let the room fill with natural light and views of the outdoors. We were talking to a pair of girls; one of them was saying that they had come to the join the University Orchestra and played cello. I was happy to hear they were joining the orchestra, especially as I had now left and quizzed them about their cello, I said something like,

“Oh yes? What cello do you play?”
The girl looked a little flustered and said,
“Oh it’s the best model, everything about it is top of the line!”
She didn't give a very clear answer, nor did she mention what level a player she was, so I asked a few more questions.
“Neat!” I started, “so we’re talking like, high hundreds, maybe even thousands of pounds (for your cello)? My cello was only a couple of hundred, but my friend's was closer to a thousand” I gestured to my friend to hint that even if this newcomer was a better player than me then they wouldn’t surpass my friend.
 The girl responded, quite firmly “It’s the best money can buy”. 

This further cemented in my mind that she was just trying to show off, maybe she was a new player and bit of more than she could chew trying to big herself up to us two. I went and got my cello and brought it back to the group.
“Look,” I said holding my cello up to the newcomer “look how beaten up and cronky my cello is. The bridge is all out of whack, there’s rosin caked on everywhere, chips in the woodwork….” I tailed off as the girl looked quite blankly at my cello, not sure what she was meant to be looking at. Someone who knew what their way around a high quality cello would have noticed the Larsen strings and the pickup under my bridge, so I was pretty sure they were just fronting. But I was still pleased they were going to join the orchestra

In the next scene I was adventuring on my own in the deep wilderness. To my left was either a wide river or an estuary with a relatively small, fragile wooden bridge stretching over it. I was walking along a dirt path forged by the years of footfall that had come this way before me, and everywhere else was long, untamed grass except for a small range of mountains stretching off to the right.

I was approaching the time-worn bridge when a warrior appeared, seemingly out of thin air. They were dressed in tight wraps of fabric which muffled the sound of their movement and confronted me with a single-edged blade. Few words were exchanged before we started fighting.

I beat them easily and as they were kneeling on the ground in exhaustion, they demanded that I kill them but I refused and left them on the ground to continue my journey. The “camera” then stayed on them as they took a moment to recover and get back on their feet. They then followed my footprints back to my house.

When the warrior got to my house they broke in and attacked everyone who was living with me, including the new cellist in the previous scene. There was one scene in particular where the warrior inflicted a number of very swift, light cuts to one of the more elderly people who was living with me, who fell to the ground in shock. I don’t think the warrior killed any of them though; their attack was to leave a message: “You should have killed me”.

The “camera” returned to me still in the open wilderness, I had put the encounter with the warrior out of my mind. That is, until a messenger came running towards me from over the hill I descended earlier. I moved towards them to shorten their already-long journey. when they arrived, they told me about the onslaught on my friends led by the warrior who I had left alive.

I roared in distress and anger which summoned a horde of gigantic beetles the size of cars. I mounted the beetle closest to me and the lead the stampede as the valley shook with a great thundering of dashing feet, the clashing of the beetles rigid bodies as they ran in close formation and my cries of rage and sadness.

The dream then played out in a series of still images of me riding the giant beetle with score after score of beetles following behind in a tremendous uproar. Every now and then amongst the beetles I could see fierce centaurs with the four legs and body of a horse, the incredibly muscular human torso and arms, the snarling head of a lion, and two imposing, black horns that jutted straight upwards from their head. These chimera beasts had come down from the mountains to aid in my revenge.

I think the final scene happened after the dust had settled from the previous encounters. All my friends were still alive and life was beginning to return to normal. I had enlisted another swordfighter to teach me new techniques to improve my own combat skills and it is in one of the training sessions that the next scene takes place.

I was standing a little outside the house in a large, flat grassy garden which continued on to a large hill that sloped down and away from the house. The swordfighter told me that today they would teach me a special technique which created either fire or explosive energy and rained it down in front of the user when executed properly. They showed me a few times, directing the energy to fall down the hill and out of harm’s way. I moved forward to the top of the hill and copied the movements I had seen my teacher perform; it seemed to involved drawing a circle with the tip of the sword to create a flow of energy and then to chop that circle into many parts to disrupt the flow of that energy and cause it to release explosively.

I executed the technique successfully a few times but then lost my footing and slipped all the way down to the bottom of the hill. I picked myself up once I had stopped tumbling and slowly made my way back up to the top of the hill. I wasn’t injured.

As I walked up the hill, I noticed there was a small platform of rock to the left of the slope. I could hear a sort of bestial breathing coming from. I passed by the outcrop and saw a large blue cyclops sleeping on its back. I thought to myself that the training had a second function of dispatching this giant. 

That's as much as I remember! Thanks for reading!

Author's Commentary
I think these dreams are a very clear message to me that making new friends is playing on my mind a lot. There is a heartening message to my existing friends in the dream from the 27th where I (very territorially!) say that my new friends will never be as good as my old ones, but in the waking world I know that's quite a naive outlook. Beyond that, the dream about the warrior by the river is almost directly lifted from a Legend of Zelda videogame called Breath of the Wild. In the videogame I was walking along the coast and got attacked by a member of a ninja-like tribe who are out to get the main character. I wasn't able to beat the ninja in the game as they teleported away before I could defeat them. The centaur-like creatures are obviously the Lynel enemies from the same game, and the sleeping cyclops is an enemy called a Hinox. I think the fire-making sword technique is influenced by another game I've been watching a playthrough of called Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance in which the main character fights with a katana and there is a combat mode where you freely control their sword.

I believe the phytoplankton I met in the first dream are influenced by an episode of a programme called Disenchantment where the main characters swim through an underwater tunnel lit by bioluminescent sea creatures. The creature with the holographic face is almost a direct lift from a music video for a song called "Magnum Bullets" by the band Night Runner. The scene where the plane was falling apart in midair is from another videogame I've been watching called Grand Theft Auto 5 (V) where the people playing spawned a bunch of passenger planes in midair which collided with each other and broke apart.

Here's a picture so that there will be an attractive thumbnail when I share it in social media: