Sunday, March 10, 2019

Night of 8.3.18: The end of humanity

It’s been a while! I think going back to work quashed the time I was able to spend in the morning writing my dreams out. I was discussing disturbing dreams vs nightmares with my friends lately and what distinguishes the two, for me, is when my friends from the waking world get involved. For example, I had a dream where someone got dragged into a room by an inhumanly long, bandaged arm, then the door closed and blood exploded through the keyhole and under the door, and that wasn’t overly disturbing for me to witness, but the dream I’m about to write concerns the wiping out of the human race and witnessing the subtle, chronic destruction of a number of my  friends.

I was walking along Eldad hill in Plymouth, or rather I was hurrying. I was aware that a contagion had been placed somewhere along North Road West and was seeping out, ready to explode. At the crossing leading to Wyndham square I saw the Incredible Hulk laying on his back on the ground, upper body on the pavement, lower body in the road and arms spread weakly out at his sides. I went to him but it was obvious he would be dead soon. I reassured him that he fought bravely and that he was the best Avenger and soon he passed, his skin paling once he did.

Upon his death, whatever was on North Road West finally detonated and a stampede of animals bolted across the road, breaking down the wooden doors and seeking refuge in the Plymouth College prep school. The sky had changed now as well: streaks and accents of purple now mottled into the sky, much as red does on a sunrise or sunset. The purple was localised over a small patch, presumably where the contagion was, but I knew immediately it would spread.
I followed the animals into the walled grounds, but it was no longer the prep school, it was a great landscape of rocks, trees, and a path which led down a grassy hill to a shore where waves swelled and crashed, and the horizon spread uninterrupted by other landmasses. I felt like it was relatively safe there but reckoned that the contagion was spreading in the air so went back to my house on Winston avenue.

The dream then cut to me being awoken at 3am by a phone call. I was worried a friend of mine was suffering from the contagion and answered, but as I did a message reading “connection not available” came up on screen. The call timer was ticking along however, so the call was happening, but from an impossible number. I put the phone down. Unsure what to think or feel I went outside and checked the road to see if I could see anyone in need of help. I had no idea what damage the contagion would cause, or over what timescale so I was on high alert. As I walked down the road and away from the house, a shadowy, silhouetted figure rushed out from the top of the road and ran into my house. I detected its movement as soon as it appeared, shouted it to stop and chased it back to the house, desperate to bar its entry. I arrived at the house a fraction later than the figure and reached out, in vain, to grab it as it bustled through the door and disappeared up the stairs. Was it in my room? The bathroom? My housemate's room? Had it gone and hidden in the loft? Had it gone to kill Kiki (my pet cockatiel)? These were all questions that were buzzing in my head and I had no easy way of answering them.

An indeterminate amount of time then passed and the three following passages may have happened in any order after any amount of time.

I was sitting in my bedroom and my housemate poked his head round the door, he was looking restless and unwell and was shifting around uncomfortably. He looked into Kiki’s cage and stated that he couldn’t see her. I looked in the cage but she was obviously sitting on her top perch by her food dish. I said that there were some vegetables pegged up by that perch, which may have been obscuring his view but I felt like that was a weak excuse. My housemate then said he was suffering from something called ‘speciesosis (species-osis)’ where he confused animals as others, and simply couldn’t see some animals. I was very worried for him.

In another scene the same housemate and I were in a hotel somewhere, potentially in Cornwall. We wanted to go somewhere but didn’t know how to get there and were weighing up the options. He wanted to drive but I was cautious that he, and I, and everyone else, were being driven subtly insane by the contagion. I dissuaded him from taking the road as he was unsafe to drive and everyone else out there would be unsafe as well. We considered asking some of the other people in the hotel bar but ruled that they were insane as well and couldn’t be trusted. In the end we found a map in a nearby pamphlet holder and plotted a course that way. We went by foot and were vigilant for any “crazies” that tried to attack us.

I had been going regularly to the walled garden to see the animals and admire the scenery. There was a crow that I had befriended which would fly from its tree at the end of the path to my hand when I got to the bottom of the hill. Sometimes there would be multiple crows, sometimes it was just the one. But the crow would always come to my hand each time I went there. One day, as I got to the bottom of the hill the crow didn’t come. I walked along the path, puzzled by this development. I looked through the row of trees on my left and into the field beyond but it was empty. Not a crow to be seen. There was nothing in the field to my right either. As I got to the end of the path, by the tree that the crow would usually perch in, a tall woman, taller than 6ft and dressed in long, flowing black clothes came around the corner. I was under the impression that the crow had become this lady, but was still the crow, so I held out my hand as I would for the crow to perch on. The lady approached my hands and kissed my fingers, as the crow would have pecked at food I had in my hand.
(On reflection of this passage and the ‘species-osis’ that my housemate suffered from, it’s quite likely I too had developed that condition and lost the ability to distinguish between crows and people. This means that I would have perceived a crow as a potential mate which has impact in the final scene of the dream)

Next, a number of people from choir were at a party, as were two other stallholders from Mt Edgcumbe. The venue was a large mansion, similar to the wedding venue I played at in December. The morning after I had no memory of the party except seeing a long black coat on the ground, asking if it belonged to someone, and their denying it. One of the stallholders had taken a number of photographs throughout the night including me, a friend of mine, and someone else dressed up and decorated as living statues stood by a fireplace. Other photos showed choir members collapsed on the floor. I hadn’t been drinking so the only explanation could have been amnesia caused by the contagion. From this point I starting regularly taking pictures throughout the days to chronicle what I did as I didn’t remember it after a while. It seemed that my affliction from the contagion was amnesia. Which I considered fairly light, considering other people had been driven crazy, to the point of taking their own lives, others had physically atrophied and died that way. Others were killed by insane people and others had simply vanished. 

No matter what order the previous scenes happened in, the following was the final scene of the dream. 

I was back in my bedroom. The sky was now purple. The contagion had spread worldwide. There was a woman in my bed, I don’t know who they were but I was familiar with them in the dream and got the impression that we were a couple. We were watching a news broadcast on television saying that “the aliens were taking to the ocean”. They then showed footage of odd, grey, hybrid forms taking to the ocean. Some resembled oarfish, others were humanoid with webbed hands and feet. Others resembled merfolk, with the upper half of a person and the bottom half of a fish, or perhaps a shark. One creature was the size and shape of a whale. All of these creatures were swimming away from a shoreline and disappearing into the depths. The news reporter said that the human population was estimated between 5 people and 4000 people. I switched off the news, looked at the woman in my bed and reassured her that we’d won. I then went over to a clutch of black eggs and cradled one of them in my arms, holding it like it was my own child.

That was the end of the dream.

*** Commentary! ***
This was a harrowing dream to recall, and I woke up feeling distressed. I am fascinated by these sorts of dreams that cover such a threatening event and over such a detailed timeframe, however, witnessing the end of the world and the mental dissolution of my friends and myself was certainly harrowing. On reflection of the dream I get the impression that the contagion acted by altering the DNA of either humans or every lifeform on Earth. I feel like people whose DNA was only altered got off lightly, other humans had their DNA simply destroyed, case in point, the Hulk. The Hulk’s DNA had already altered by gamma radiation, so the DNA altering property of the contagion might simply have destroyed his DNA beyond repair, leading to his death.

The purple colour of the contagion might suggest it was a kind of UV radiation but that was never proved in the dream.

Another way the contagion might have acted to reduce the human population was by altering our perception and making us see all other animals as humans, meaning we would mate with other animals and not produce offspring. This is hinted at when the crow I was familiar with suddenly became a woman, and in the final scene too, where I had a female partner but we had a clutch of eggs. Then again, it might be that the person’s DNA was altered so much that she simply laid eggs. 

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