Sunday, September 20, 2020

Night of 08.05.2020: Profane Rituals and Colossal Beasts

 As I have come to expect from my dreams, this story has no beginning. I was simply a part of an elite squadron of assassins.

We had infiltrated the castle of Carriel and were looking for the Queen. Numerous moles from all nations had reported that the queen of this land was killing her citizens in profane rituals and amassing a dreadful necromantic power. If left unchecked any longer there was no telling what the consequences would be. A spell of mass killing? Potentially. An insurrection of undead soldiers and the subjugation of all living beings? Perhaps.

The bottom line was that her foul work could continue no longer.

One in our squadron, Rhizo, was particularly attuned to the residues and the voices of the departed and was able to shift the energy of the next world into physical form in this. He had asked the spirits lingering in the castle to tell us the way to the queen and had created a 3D map of the hallways and interior of the castle, which we were now following.

Soon we came to an outdoor walkway with two other paths running directly above and below. We detected another party approaching our location on the lower tier so we climbed up and hid in the highest, being careful to mask our presence by lowering our heart rates. There existed ears sensitive enough to hear even heartbeats, especially when powerful magic is involved. The owner of such a pair of ears was also in our group; her name was Borda.

Borda listened to the group on the lowest pathway from whom we were hiding. She told us that they were spies from one of the other nations. They had intel that the King and the Prince would be passing along the walkway we jumped up from.

Both our party and theirs in our respective hidings witnessed the King and Prince walk out into the sun. The prince was grimly trailing along a person in unusual purple robes by a chain fastened around their waist.

Borda, our ears, notified us when the King and prince, and the other spies had moved on. We dropped down and followed the path back into the castle that the King, prince and article of sacrifice had walked along.

Slowly, and carefully we proceeded, the essences told Rhizo that the queen was before us on the path we walked. We perceived once more a bright, natural light spilling in at the end of the hallway and our map told us we were approaching a large outdoor colosseum. She was in that colosseum. We interrogated our map further as a direct attack was our least favourable option. There were numerous subterranean passageways, presumably where the champions of the past would have come up from their chambers to fight in that arena. Three of our unit stole away to secure those routes, leaving myself and the strongest, most capable fighters to deal with the possibility of a head-on fight. Rhizo stayed with our group and told us that the spirits of the departed were howling that the queen was ahead of us and was draining the life of more people to fuel her profane magic. There was no longer any doubt.

Our mark was ahead of us.

We waited the amount of time the others told us to wait for them to secure the secret passageways, and when that time expired, we surged forth into the light.

Sure enough we found ourselves in a vast, stone-built, empty colosseum in bright, midday sunlight. The queen stood ahead of us in the centre of the colosseum and at her feet lay desiccated, withered once-human forms. Rhizo was at once overwhelmed by the foul, relentless, churning of the spirits of the furious dead. Their rage was his, their insatiable thirst for vengeance against the fell queen was being channelled directly into his human frame. As Rhizo was imbibing this ancient hatred, the rest of the group and I launched a rapid attack against the queen hoping we could land fatal blows before she was able to put up her guard.

Fools that we were.

When one such as the queen stands in the threshold between life and death, they exist immortally. In shattering their union with the world of the living they are no longer bound by its rules and escape the cycle of life and death. She was not playing by our rules.

The queen’s mouth. One dreadful, boiling, rasping word that pulsated and filled our bodies with fire and torment. Such was the queen’s power that she could manipulate the fabric of reality with one contemptible word.

We fell to the ground, wracked in pain. All I could do was watch the queen laugh hideously, but all at once a green, healing light emanated from somewhere.

It was Rhizo. He had stilled the fury of the restless lifeforce perverted by the queen and beseeched it to aid him. Our bodies became our own again, but the Queen was not without response. She recited an incantation and become wrapped in a shroud of horrible purple light. It lifted her up high, high into the air and assumed the immense shape of a spider around her waist. Once again her voice filled our every sense: “You fools cannot hope to defeat me. I possess more power than can be contained in this universe!” her gargantuan spider-self lurched destructively towards Rhizo:

Another flash of green light. Rhizo now sat atop a colossal, green boar. The boar reared forward and locked tusks against the spider’s legs in some desperate struggle of the millennia-oppressed vs the millennium oppressor. The two vied back and forth but Rhizo the boar broke free and pushed the spider back. With a titanic, primal force that shook the Earth, Rhizo roared:

“We!” the boar sank its dreadful tusks into the spider, purple blood spilled freely from the puncture sites. The boar pulled back.

“Will!” again the boar struck, deeper into the same wounds.

“Never!” terrible blow after terrible goring blow did the boar skewer the spider

“Be silent” the spider was limp from these heinous wounds but the boar did not let up

And then the final words. A constellation of the spirits of the countless killed emanated around the boar, lending their rage, their strength and twisted glee to this ultimate blow:

“To you!” 

The boar reared back, scraping its behemoth hooves across the ground in anticipation for the apocalypse strike that would end it. With a tremendous howl the boar surged forward and struck the spider with enough force to dissipate its form. The queen fell, defeated, to the ground.

Without missing a beat Rhizo masterfully shifted the boar into an enormous sarcophagus and sent it crashing down on top of the Queen, encapsulating her. But she was not to be defeated so easily. Once more she assumed her spider-form inside the sarcophagus and thrust her 8 needle-legs out, barring her tomb from trapping her completely. This second struggle lasted for what seemed like an eternity but her power ultimately waned. She could not indefinitely resist the weight of her sins and was sealed away by the powerful magic she had unwittingly created.

But as an immortal she was not killed. The sarcophagus churned and twisted and shrank into an ornate, jewelled container that might reasonably be compared to a Faberge egg. Her essence was trapped in this form by Rhizo’s powerful magic. But her voice emanated from it

“You fools, you have not defeated me. The moment this egg is opened, your sealing spell will break and I will be freed. The curiosity of your wretched kind will be your rightful downfall!” and she laughed a maniacal laugh. “Did you not think that I would not have guards in every corner of this colosseum for precisely this situation?! Guards! Kill these insurgents and free me from this form!”

The gates of the colosseum opened but the members of our troupe stepped out. They had easily despatched the guards and cast their unconscious forms in front of them. 

At this, Rhizo produced a sheet of tin foil and the vessel containing the sealed Queen in it, her curses were muffled to silence. Rhizo slipped the egg carefully into his pocket “Don’t think so”.

Here's an image for the thumbnail! 

There was more to this dream after this scene. Later on I was in the castle's training ground at the King's man-at-arms recognised the Prince's sword which I had swindled as spoils of our successful mission. I obviously wasn't the Prince so the man-at-arms was incredibly suspicious and challenged me about who I was and why I had the Prince's sword. I think I managed to convince him that I had done a great service to the Prince and that this was my reward. I also have this gut feeling there were velociraptors in the dream, but in what capacity I don't remember.

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