Monday, January 28, 2019

21-27.1.19: Time control, Hunters and Tsunamis

Night of 21.1.19
I seemed to have some power over time and was able to bring future events forward so that they would happen sooner. I also had some control over how soon I would make them happen: this was expressed in ‘i’s and the lower the number of ‘i’s, the sooner it would happen, relative to how long it would take to happen without intervention . I couldn’t make something happen instantaneously, nor could I create new events, only bring destined events forward. I remember someone asked me to bring forward a life event of theirs to 4 ‘i’s, and I warned against it saying it was too soon and it would take too much power on my part. 

Night of 23.1.19
A friend of mine had become an eco-terrorist. She dressed somewhat like a druid elf called Nissa Revane from a trading card game called Magic the Gathering. Somehow I also got caught up in her schemes and was tasked with breaking into an important building. It might have been that the syndicate that she had been roped into had a Magic the Gathering theme because my face had been painted black and then the emblem of a guild called Selesnya (also from the game) had been painted on my face over the black. I actually got caught by a guard as I was being lowered down to the target floor by wire. The camera (so to speak) was pointing over the guard’s shoulder and I was in shot. I showed a look of surprise, then closed my eyes and lowered my head so that the emblem was clearly visible to the guard. The guard took a moment to look at the emblem, presumably quite confused. Then I was lifted back up to the roof and we escaped.

Night of 26.1.19
I don’t remember much of this dream very clearly, but I was walking in some untamed wilderness filled with crags and forest and plains, akin to the environment in Shadow of the Colossus only without the walls of mountains. I remember scrambling down a patch of boulders, perhaps seeing a small settlement in the basin of some small hills.
It later unfolded that me, and a group of other people, were being targeted by hunters/agents trying to kill us. In the closing stages of this hunt the forces after us had resorted to chemical/biological warfare and sent a cloud of chemical/disease, represented by a red line, harrowing through the forest we were resting in. We fled the forest but the red line was fast approaching and agents were waiting for us in the clearing. One of our group took their phone and threw it at the line, which promptly caused it to stop but that person dropped dead. The agents also disbanded. Once they realised the cost of their actions they stopped and left us alone. 

Night of 27.1.19
I was exploring what may have been a castle that lead down by a set of stone stairs to a beach. I went down these stairs and stepped onto the beach. The tide had gone out very far, revealing the underlying coast. I squinted towards the horizon and saw a band of white and a band of blue underneath. My stomach dropped as I realised I was looking at an approaching tidal wave. I hurried back up the steps just in time to watch the wave crash against the cliffs that-not 30 seconds ago-I was stood at the bottom of. I shrugged and commented that “I guess I’m not going down there then”.

I walked around the base of the castle and promptly bumped into Hobo Johnson. I told him that I really enjoyed his gig in Bristol, he thanked me and commented on the castle. I then said that we were going to the theatre that evening and invited him. He accepted and got into the car with my friends and me.

In the car I was trying to find things to say to Hobo Johnson, “I remember you saying that the type of music someone listens to says a little bit about them” I started, I was going to say next “do you think it might actually show a lot about them?” but before I had a chance to say the last part Johnson had jumped in to talk about, pretty much exactly the question I was going to ask. I figured I no longer needed to ask him.

The next scene was at the theatre, I don’t remember if it was this theatre or not, but the room was triangular with the stage at the point. There were three sections of seats: two which followed the edge of the triangle down and a middle set that was also shaped like a triangle. The theatre was very full and we were fortunate enough to find seats together. A while after we’d sat down, two people appeared at our aisle. I looked up and it was Jessie and James from Pokémon! They too were looking for seats so we invited them to sit with us. They did, but true to form they also sent out Weepinbell and Ekans. This meant we needed two more seats which weren’t there anymore. In the end I think Jessie, James and Ekans all shrank down and sat on my shoulders. I don’t remember about Weepinbell.

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