Monday, January 21, 2019

Night of 7.1.19: The New Reaper and a French Holiday

I had taken on the role of grim reaper (involuntarily). I knew it was a person’s time because a double-decker bus would pull up behind them, but only I (and other people in the world of the dead) could see it, the reapee, so to speak, had no idea. I would touch the person to bring them into the world of the dead and then they would get on the bus. There was no body left behind (unless I couldn’t see it) after I claimed someone, so people I reaped would simply disappear from the world of the living.
two of my friends and I were in a barn-like room, I was still the reaper, but they didn’t know that. One was complaining that there was no phone signal in the barn. I said “you want to see no signal?!” and jokingly grabbed her by the arm and brought her into the world of the dead. This was represented by us both taking a step to the right but suddenly the room was a little darker and the other friend wasn’t there. I then realised that I’d effectively just killed them and had no idea how to undo it.
Later on, I was stood outside the building back in the world of the living, though I effectively had one foot in each. The police had arrived to investigate a series of missing people (that I had caused). They were speaking to two staff members from the Segway shop at Mt Edgcumbe, who realised I was the reaper and therefore causing the disappearances. I hastily left before they could tell the police officer they were talking to that I was the culprit.

My physical presence in world of the living seemed to fluctuate, but it ranged from absolute to the point where I could interact with objects and whisper to peoples thoughts, but not have a physical body. I was able to help a recently bereaved family do some tasks around the house by relaying messages from their lost member to them and by moving things around the house.

Next thing I remember I was on a ferry, whether to escape the people looking for me as the next reaper, or just because. There were a lot of French people on the ferry and some were asking me if I knew where they could find “un arbre de Bontemps” (literally meaning “a tree of good times”), I understood that to mean a Christmas tree and told them I didn’t work on the ferry, so didn’t know, but suggested the floor with a shopping centre in it.

Later on that day, there was a gig on the top deck of the ferry. I was at the front because I like to be at the front for gigs. The band seemed to be pretty popular based on how many people were in the audience. The band was also singing in French, so I could more or less keep up with the main message of the song but was missing the fine details. The band came to what I assumed was their ‘big song’ as the audience were all singing super loud during the chorus and I mimed along. During one of the choruses, the lead singer held the mic out to me and I was simply unable to sing any of the chorus and it stopped the show.

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