Monday, January 21, 2019

Night of 15.1.19: Trees, Shadows, Trickery and Contests

I was walking in Ecclesall woods (in Sheffield) keeping to the path you enter on, just past the fences of the houses. I had a torch and shone it on a silver birch tree to look at the close details of the tree. Suddenly the entire tree started growing pink, and eventually all of the other silver birches in the woods glowed pink too. From this I got the idea that all the silver birches were connected underground by their root system and the stimulus of light was enough to make them all glow. One nearby tree was upright but not alive and had two large-ish mushrooms growing from it. Here I also gleaned a little bit of what it was like to be a tree: the mushroom infected one told me its infection was somewhere between inconvenient and urgent.
I was in a fictional garden with a group of people at dusk. They were discussing something when I saw a giant shadowy form loom into view at the edge of the garden, it looked like a cross between the final form of Metroid prime and the shadow creature from Stranger Things. I tried to snap people out of their conversation so we could deal with the thing, suggesting I go to the woods and ask the trees for help, but to no avail.
Me and a group of people were sitting on the rocky bank of a lake. Again they were discussing some sort of problem and how they could deal with it. Suggestions were being shot down as soon as they could be brought up. I grew tired of the directionless babble so got up and left. Soon after, a thin man with white markings on his dark skin tromped over to their circle and listened to their plight. When the group had told him and asked for his advice he vanished. The camera then cut to me in a nearby shanty holding a rock with similar markings to those on the man’s body, I then realised that I had created an astral projection of this man and headed back to the rest of the group to reinforce my wisdom and magic ability, that they should listen to me. On my way there I grabbed another rock off the floor with the casts of worms on it, I said out loud to another group of passers-by that if the group I was going back to “didn’t like circles, maybe they’ll like-” I looked at the rock to see what patterns were on it “worms!” 
I don’t remember the details too much of the final stages of my dreams, it was in an academy and there was infighting between me and a group of others, specifically one girl, as to who was best suited for a task. In the end I think she and I both tackled the task at the same time, realised we were both out of our depth and agreed to work together.
I’m not sure if this was in the same academy, but it was night-time now and we had a manor house to sleep in. Bedrooms hadn’t been allocated so people were just claiming rooms. Whilst people were claiming the biggest or the nicest rooms, I sneaked around to find all the secret rooms and slept in one of those. I think mine was at the side of the house, a small room with a French window looking out onto the estate.

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