Monday, January 21, 2019

Night of 13.1.19: Missing Whales and Eye in the Sediment

I had a dream last night that there was a rare species of coastal whale that had gone missing and I was part of the team to investigate. We went to a mudflat along the coast that these whales quite regularly visited. I have a distinct memory of standing in the flats, and seeing them shapelessly expand beyond sight: to say we were coastal, there was no hint of ocean here. But then again that might have been a contributing factor: perhaps the flats were drying out and the food source wasn't there any more. That said, there was no hint of any life here, it was almost as if it simply and catastrophically removed. We took some mud cores and other samples and returned to our field base. 

As I was walking outside from one point to another in our base, a voice came through on my radio: some of the scientists had found something and that they wanted all staff to come and look. I radio'd back my acknowledgement and headed down a set of gravel steps that lead through a small wooded hill. 

What I saw when I arrived where the researchers were oppressed me. It was a metal cube about one story in each dimension with large, circular, glass windows occupying the majority of each face. It was dark inside the container, I approached to see into it and immediately saw what looked like an eye made of sediment that filled the entire container. Its pupil rolled and contracted and I could tell it was looking at me. But there was more. It was clearly looking at me, it was conscious of my presence and I knew that it was relaying this information to something, someone, or somewhere else. When I looked into the thing I could see the coastal whales dying and their corpses being taken somewhere. I knew that this thing was part of a much larger, much more powerful force that was causing the disappearance of the whales. 

This dream was set in a Mediterranean clime and there was a festival going on. For whatever reason the Stables café had relocated to this place and I was working. Customers were coming around the till and standing next to me to place their orders and it made me very uncomfortable. Earlier in the dream, before the passage about whales, a customer asked me for Ridley, the main antagonist of the Metroid series to be served to them.

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