Monday, January 21, 2019

Night of 18.1.19: The Shapeshifters in the Sewers

There was a species of animal that specialised in shapeshifting and transforming into other animals. I was able to witness a sort of “real-time evolution”. The animal walked -hunched over- on its two hind legs, had green skin and looked like a hybrid between a reptile and an amphibian. Its natural environment was a dark, underground waterway. I saw a Dark Souls-esque menu appear in front of one of the animals with categories the animal could level up in. For example, the present animal levelled up in traits to make it a better polymorph. Suddenly I saw another of the animals shoot down the central shaft that I was sitting by; it was either falling or crawling down the walls very quickly indeed. I wished it that these animals invested resources into being more self-confident and to be content with what they were, so that they no longer needed to shapeshift.

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