Monday, January 21, 2019

Night of 16.1.19 Dancing Trees in the Pit of Mud

I was fighting against a giant purple head that belched out toxic gas either as a large expanding cloud or a homing bubble. I had a claymore type sword and was doing quite well at evading both types of its attacks. I ran in gathering my strength whilst dodging another belch to strike it with a leaping slash when I saw what looked like its oesophagus at the back of its mouth. I changed my attack and instead of the jumping attack I stabbed the claymore into its oesophagus and twisted the blade. This completely untwisted the creatures body leaving a large hole in the back of it. This felt like the lethal blow but I noticed its health bar was still at about 60% capacity. I suspected a second stage and wasn’t wrong.

All of a sudden, I was cast into a lowered, circular arena filled with about 1ft of mud. There were park benches here and there. I was directly underneath the ledge where the head creature was still standing, it was contorting and heaving and suddenly grew greatly in size. After its transformation it now resembled an ent made of clay. Some of its roots were hanging down the ledge and I immediately started hacking at them with the claymore. The severed roots fell into the mud with a “squack” and shortly after, about 6 human sized trees emerged from the mud around the perimeter of the arena and started to slowly dance around it. The large ent confiscated my sword so I was left unequipped to deal with whatever these dancing trees were going to throw at me. I found a large chef’s knife from somewhere and started hacking away at the dancing trees. They too were made of a clay/mud material. The large ent started throwing large globs of clay to each of the trees and they immediately patched up any damage I’d inflicted. I decided to focus down on one tree and intercept any clay that got thrown to it by striking it out of the air. This plan was going well until I broke the knife by slicing at a lump of clay. All whilst this was happening, there was some shuffle/stompy blues playing. A similar style to Filipino Box Spring Hog and Cold Water by Tom Waits.
During the last passage of the tree fight, I checked the time on my phone and realised I missed the last train back to Sheffield so I somehow left the pit and went to a nightclub where two of my friends and a few other people were. One of my friends had been checking train times and advised me which train was best. He also validly pointed out that I may have missed the train today but I didn’t need to be back until 4 days from now so I could easily catch another train. In fact, my name was pencilled in on the train schedule, saying that it was actually pre-decided which train I would get. After this a blond-haired youth in a red t-shirt started dancing around the two of them. There was vomit down his t-shirt and he clearly hadn’t washed his hands after he'd thrown up, he was also very, very drunk. He was touching them both and insisting they danced with him, they weren’t having any of it so I went up behind the youth and put him on the floor in a body lock, encouraging other people to call the police. This wasn’t the first person I’d apprehended that day: there was another person who had taken MDMA and alcohol and was being physically violent towards someone.
There was another part of the dream which is a bit hazy, but I had discovered two magic the gathering cards that formed a good combination: however when I told someone my idea it sundered reality and some interdimensional beings told me the gravity of my action, they showed me the disastrous version of reality that would happen if I kept along this path.

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