Monday, January 21, 2019

Night of 17.1.19: The Aftermath of a Party and Alien Visitations

The whole thing is rather hazy, but I was hosting an absolutely messy birthday party in a fancy bungalow that backed onto a manor. I was staying relatively sober because many other people were out of control and I wanted to try and reign them in. One party was hungry so they left the house and went to a supermarket to get food. I followed them.

At the supermarket the partiers were just grabbing food off the shelf and eating it. One person knocked an armful of jam jars on the ground which shattered and spread jam everywhere. Shop clerks looked on powerlessly as I made a list of everything they had taken and broken and promised to pay them back tomorrow; this was after closing time.

Earlier during the day, before the raiding party, and I think in the manor house, I was being a good host and asking people if I could get them any drinks or food. The head the chef from the cafĂ© I work at was having a barbecue and I was making drinks in a conservatory through a set of swinging double doors. Our chef was already super busy cooking all the food that had been ordered and I was going round to see if everyone had everything they wanted. One lady (who seemed rather drunk already) said she hadn’t received her drink (despite not having ordered one) and also wanted to change the food she’d ordered. Her group was a few feet away from the doors so I popped my head through and told the chef she wanted to change her order. They gave me a baffled look. I don’t know how that scenario resolved.

Later on in the manor house, as the party had spilled into there as well, I was tidying a side-room when I heard a telepathic voice in my head say something along the lines of
“Long and far have we travelled across the reaches of outer spaces and how near you all are. We shall come to your location and repossess your bodies. You no longer need them” and I could see vague silhouettes of alien shapes in my head: one of them looked like a nautilus.
“I hope they don’t find me” I thought to myself “there’s still so much cleaning to do”. A later missive revealed their forms to us, they actually looked pretty cool.

I was walking through this manor house with a friend of mine, still in the aftermath of the party, she was saying encouraging things about how we’d get the house tidied and sorted.
She and I entered a room filled with men wearing suits. I guessed they were invited but they were not doing anything notable (avoiding cleaning the place up!). It was rather stuffy in the room so I went to open a window but was still conscious of the telepathic voices I’d heard and thought it best to leave them shut. Equally, when I went over to the windows the men told me it wasn’t safe and that I’d fall out. After a while though, one of the windows opened on its own and all the men cautiously started opening the rest of the windows. I gave my friend a puzzled look and realised I was holding a foil reprint of a Magic the Gathering card called 'Black Lotus' (notable because this card is worth a lot of money). “I could open a window with this!” I joked. One of the windows opened out very wide with no visible force acting on it, all the men let out a panicked gasp, perhaps someone had fallen out. Ultimately it was a non-threatening creature that had climbed out onto the roof and opened the window in the process.

Some days later the houses were still in states. I think we’d managed to at least sort the mess into different types at this point. Someone who wasn’t invited to the party arrived and told me they were going to hold a series of tournaments across a series of days to get the place cleaned up: the first day was for animal wranglers (suggesting there had been animals released during the party), the next day would be for competitive eaters, to get through the leftovers, then a fight (for variety?) except I would have to provide the champions for the fight. It was very confusing and I couldn’t my head round it in the dream. But it did seem like a good idea.

Two days later nothing had been done to tidy the venues.

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