Monday, January 21, 2019

Night of 10.1.19: Surprise Exams and Sudden Performances

I had a dream last night that I had two exams tomorrow and was in a show the night tonight*, it was very stressful as I had done no revision for them, as I didn't know I had to do them, and would not be able to study because of the show I was performing in. Towards the end of the dream though I realised that it was a dream and that I already had my degree certificate

The setting of this dream was very lush and verdant, like Pompeii would have looked like whilst still standing, but with an abundance of plant growth and vines that hung down into the buildings. 

In my dream, when I thought I’d done everything for my Masters, I looked at my statement of results and the “credit achieved” statement at the top was not there, all my existing marks had gone from ‘confirmed’ to ‘provisional’ and two modules suddenly had exams. However, this didn’t match up in the dream because the exams I was doing were ones from my third year of undergrad: behavioural ecology and conservation and ecology of marine vertebrates. I reassured myself that I’d already applied for PhDs using my certificate and statement of results in the real world so I had nothing to worry about in the dream.

*Some dateless night ago, I had a dream that I was either in Musical Theatre Group  or with Act One in their final performance of a show and that I was needed as an extra. There would be no lines to learn or anything so it was going to be fine. However, once onstage, people started talking to me like I was the principal role and I had no such preparation so I tried to make things up as well as I could but judging from the crowd I was not even close to what I should be doing, so I whipped up the actors into “the big dance number”, hoping there was a dance number that they could produce to kind of save the show a bit, but it devolved into me -and a few others who were following my lead- doing some box steps but no-one sang and no-one else danced. It was a total disaster. 

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